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 On 24-27 November, 2011 2nd "Black Sea Tourism and Travel Fair will be held in Trabzon City, Turkey supported by Trabzon Governorship, Trabzon Municipality, Trabzon Trade and Industry Chamber, Trabzon Culture and Tourism Department and organized by Tureks Fair. 


 On 24-27 November, 2011 2nd "Black Sea Tourism and Travel Fair will be held in Trabzon City, Turkey supported by Trabzon Governorship, Trabzon Municipality, Trabzon Trade and Industry Chamber, Trabzon Culture and Tourism Department and organized by Tureks Fair. 

“MIRAS” Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage (www.miras.org.az) will represent Azerbaijan at the exhibition which covers over 100 companies and agencies from Turkey and other countries.

It is notable that in 2010-2011 Agsu Archaeological Expedition of NASA Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography carried out large-scale archaeological explorations in medieval Agsu town by initiative and financial support of “MIRAS” Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage. As a result of the excavations many construction remnants and rich artifacts belonged to 18th century were revealed. There are also numerous numismatics materials, unique art patterns, as well as other materials proving trade and cultural relations of Agsu town with a number of countries and cities of the world amongst the finds. 

 Last year expositions consisted of those finds were shown at National Museum of History of Azerbaijan, and Agsu History and Local Lore Museum.  

MIRAS” Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage realized the project of the "Drawings and Photo Exposition consisted of materials of Agsu Archaeological Expedition" in Amasya City of Turkey in correspondence with obligations provided at 21 January 2011 Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on “20-year anniversary of restoration of state independence of the Azerbaijan Republic”.  The opening of the exposition and the conference on “Amasya: Shirvanlilar from Azerbaijan place on 14th October, 2011. The exhibition lasted till 3 November, 2011.

It is intended to demonstrate those expo-materials in Trabzon at 2nd Black Sea Tourism and Travel Fair.

“MIRAS” Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage
realized project “Development and propagation of archaeological tourism in Azerbaijan” in August-October of this year and the donor of the project was Council of State Support to NGOs under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The results of the work fulfilled within the scope of this project, archaeological heritage of Azerbaijan, "Azerbaijani Pearls" booklet and "Azerbaijan Land of Monuments" film will be presented to the participants at the exhibition.

A seminar on "Azerbaijani-Trabzon relationships” will be held on 25 November, 2011 at conference hall of Karadeniz Technical University. Historians and archaeologists from Azerbaijan will report at the seminar.