The expedition which was led by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Gafar Jabiyev studied 15000 sq/ms archaeological site till now and revealed numerous unique artefacts on last medieval history of Azerbaijan.
Treasure of golden coins disseminated next to one another was uncovered upon excavations in the 7th excavation site, called provisionally at 08:30am on 22 June, 2012. The site being cleansed from the rabbleness accurately under the scientific staff’s control and taken photos, the coins were drawn up a report on-site by the expedition board and taken. Total number of the coins is 37. One of them was minted in 1781, the other-1786, three coins- 1787, the other one 1796, the rest 31 units were minted in 1800. All displayed golden coins are almost in good condition.
It is notable that, the coins of this treasure are Holland trade gold ducat. Alloy of coins 986, diameter-21,8 mm, thickness-1,3 mm, weight legal 3,49 gms, shape-round, edge-milled and surface-minted.
There is within ornamental square tablet the Latin legend on obverse. MO:ORD PROVIN FOEDER BELG.AD LEG.IMP expands to MOneta ORDinum PROVINciarum FOEDERatorum BELGicarum AD LEGem IMPerii which translates as "Coin of government of the provincial federation of Belgium Conforming with the law of the Imperial".
A knight facing right standing in armor with a sword in right hand and a bundle of arrows in the left divide the year of issue 17 52 on reverse. Along periphery the Latin legend CONCORDIA.RES PAR.CRES.HOL expands to CONCORDIA RES PARvae CREScunt HOLlandiae which translates as "Through concord little things grow - Holland" (Union is strength).
Analogous coin paradigms spread widely in various world countries in 18th country. According to the experts, in that period Holland gold ducats were the same significance of US Dollars.
The expedition board completed preliminary urgent research work for two days, handed the treasure on 25 June, 2012 to National Museum of History of Azerbaijan by the recommendation of Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography. According to director of the Museum, Academician Naile Velikhanly, Agsu treasure is sensationed significant find for our history. Naturally, such kind of finds will create opportunities to study more comprehensively a lot of issues on Azerbaijan cities’ role in Middle Ages in trade of Europe and world trade from scientific standpoint.
Agsu Archaeological Expedition continues treasure explorations. |