Guruchay Culture

Guruchay Culture- Archaeological culture in the area of Azerbaijan

Explored mainly on the basis of Azikh Cave. Guruchay, flown nearby the Cave had very great importance in life of primitive men. Ancient people gathered stones mainly from Guruchay and brought to the cave in order to work up the tool. At the same time Azikh residents were engaged in hunting in Guruchay Valley. Guruchay Valley had any suitable circumstance for living of primitive men. Therefore artifact remnants of new archaeological culture revealed from 7-10th layer of Azikh Cave were given Guruchay Culture name. Several development stages of Guruchay culture were defined during complex explorations. The preparation techniques of tools at primary stage of the culture improved in further stages. Labour tools of Guruchay culture make close attachment to Olduvay cultural complex of Africa. But there are differences in typology of labour tools. Complex explorations conducted indicate Guruchay culture created 1, 2 million years ago in Azerbaijan and lasted the time of 700 thousand years ago. Guruchay culture was the oldest archaeological culture in the area of post USSR.
Suitable natural and geographic situation of Azerbaijan created circumstance for residence of people there since Old Stone Age.